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This Danish entry was created from the translations listed at article. It may be less reliable than other entries, and may be missing parts of speech or additional senses. Please also see artikel in the Danish Wiktionary. This notice will be removed when the entry is checked


Pope Urban II (1042 – July 29, 1099), born Otho de Lagery (alternatively: Otto,Odo or Eudes), was Pope from March 12, 1088, to July 29, 1099. He is most known for starting the First Crusade (1095–99) and setting up the modern day Roman Curia, in the manner of a royal court, to help run the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Urban_II">Church.

He was the fourth son of Milon, the seigneur of Châtillon, born at Lagery (near Châtillon-sur-Marne) and was church-educated. He was archdeacon of Rheims when, under the influence of his teacher Bruno of Cologne, he resigned and entered the monastery of Cluny where he rose to be prior. In 1078, Pope Gregory VII (1073–85) summoned him to Italy and made him Cardinal-bishop of Ostia.

He was one of the most prominent and active supporters of the Gregorian reforms, especially as legate in Germany in 1084, and was among the few whom Gregory VII nominated as possible successors to be Pope. Desiderius, abbot of Monte Cassino, who became Pope Victor III (1086–87), was chosen Pope initially, but, after his short reign, Odo was elected Pope Urban II by acclamation (March 1088) at a small meeting of cardinals and other prelates held in Terracina. He took up the policies of Pope Gregory VII and, while pursuing them with determination, showed greater flexibility, and diplomatic finesse. At the outset, he had to reckon with the presence of the powerful antipope Clement III (1080, 1084–1100) in Rome; but a series of well-attended synods held in Rome, Amalfi, Benevento, and Troia supported him in renewed declarations against simony, lay investiture, and clerical marriages, and a continued opposition to Emperor Henry IV (1050–1106).

In accordance with this last policy, the marriage of the countess Matilda of Tuscany with Guelph of Bavaria was promoted, Prince Conrad was helped in his rebellion against his father and crowned King of the Romans at Milan in 1093, and the Empress (Adelaide or Praxedes) encouraged in her charges against her husband. In a protracted struggle also with Philip I of France (1060–1108), whom he had excommunicated for his adulterous marriage to Bertrade de Montfort, Urban II finally proved victorious.

Urban II had much correspondence with Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury, to whom he extended an order to come urgently to Rome just after the Archbishop's first flight from England, and earlier gave his approval to Anselm's work De Incarnatione Verbi (The Incarnation of the Word).

La mosquée Hassan II est située à Casablanca (Maroc). Planifiée sur le site de l'ancienne piscine municipale, sa construction a débuté le 12 juillet 1986 et son inauguration a eu lieu le 30 août 1993. Le parvis de la mosquée peut accueillir 120,000 fidèles et la salle de prières 25,000 fidèles.
(The Hassan II Mosque is located in Casablanca, Morocco, and is the second largest mosque in the world.)

Mosquée Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc

Mosquée Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc

Mosquée Hassan II, vue nocturne

Mosquée Hassan II, détaille

Mosquée Hassan II, vue de la place

Mosquée Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc
